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Marine Museum

The marine museum pictures five centuries in appealing exhibitions. The wonderful collections contain many ship models, paintings and weapons.

Multimedia presentation about the post WWII period 1945-1968 can be watched. And interactive games are especially created for the young visitors of the museum.

Stories about the turbulent post WWII period are being told by marine men.The marine fleet of the museum show impressions of the on board living standards. The 19th century the different ships named; Schorpioen, Tonijn and Abraham Crijnssen are opened for public.

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Nationaal Reddingmuseum

The Dutch lifeboat service through the ages and the safety aspects on the waters are at the centre of attention in this museum. The Lifeboat Museum is named after a well known rescuer of Den Helder who was named Dorus Rijkers (1847-1928). Next to the lifesaving company KNRM, attention is also paid to other organisations that undertake rescue work. Original lifeboats, ship models, scale models, paintings, pictures, distinctions, life-saving equipment and films are being displayed. The simulation of a lifeboat at full sea is really nice. Texts, computer simulations and many movies are in English. In the summertime daily boat trips with the historical lifeboat Johan de Witt between 1 and 4 p.m.

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Automuseum Schagen

The car museum in Schagen is a lovely museum, about 50 old time cars from different brands are being exhibited. The majority of the cars are well known old models that have been driven during the past decades, which makes them very much recognizable for the visitors of the museum. The cars are from different countries, but the Dutch DAF plays a big role in the museum.

Besides the cars, other vehicles are also shown in the museum.

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Zaans Museum

Het Zaans Museum presenteert het leven en werken van de Zaankanter temidden van het rijke Industrieel Erfgoed, vormgegeven in een eigentijds gebouw. Hier maakt u kennis met het culturele verleden met de streek en de bron van haar welvaart: de industrie met als exemplarisch voorbeeld het nieuwe Verkadepaviljoen.

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Zuiderzee Museum

The open-air section covers 15 acres and accommodates authentic buildings from the former Zuiderzee region, such as a church, a fish-curing shed, a mill, a cheese warehouse, shops and dwelling houses from the surrounding fishing villages. Staff and volunteers demonstrate historical crafts from everyday life at the beginning of the previous century. A number of presentations offer a modern interpretation of traditional crafts, materials and themes. 

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Anne Frank Huis

For more than two years Anne Frank and her family lived in the annex of the building at Prinsengracht 263 where Anne’s father, Otto Frank, also had his business. The Van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer hid there with them. The doorway to the annex was concealed behind a moveable bookcase constructed especially for this purpose. The office personnel knew of the hiding place and helped the eight people by supplying them with food and news of the outside world.

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The unique position Rijksmuseum gained in the world throughout the centuries, comes not only from the possession of many masterpiece paintings of Dutch and world art. Along the masterworks like Rembrandt’s “Night watch”, several paintings by Vermeer, van Dyck and Jan Steen, the museum has truly exceptional collection of the antique objects of the material Dutch culture, vast collection of prints, drawings and the classic photography.

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